Sunday, 17 June 2007

4- The Arabic Numbers

one = Wahid

two = Ithinin

three = Thalatha

four = Arba'a

five = Khamsa

six = Sita

seven = Saba'a

eight = Thamania

nine = Tisa'a

ten = Ashara

eleven = Hidashar

twelve = Itnashar

thirteen = Talatashar

fourteen = Arbatashar

fifteen = Kamastashar

sixteen = Sitashar

seventeen = Sabatashar

eighteen = Tamantashar

nineteen = Tisatashar

twenty = Ishrin

twenty one = Wahid wa Ishrin

thirty = Talatin

forty = Arba'ain

fifty = Kamisin

sixty = Sitin

seventy = Saba'ain

eighty = Tamanin

ninety = Tisain

one hundred = Mia'a

one thousand = Alf

one million = Millio'an]

To listen to the numbers in Arabic go to :

3- Vowels

Arabic Vowels

  • Short vowels (harakat) "a" "i" and "u"
  • Doubled short vowel represents nunation.
  • Long vowels "aa" "ii" and "uu" - Long voiwels lengthen the short vowels
  • Shaddah - doubled letter This is a repeater sign which indicates a double letter which must be distinctly pronounced twice, (double consonant)
  • Sukun (jazm) Link sign - Sukun (jazm) resembles a semi-circle which appears over a consonant. its function is to link its previous letter and form a single sound. No word can begin wiht a sukun.
  • Maddah - Elongation

Note for Lesson : Reading Vowel Practice Needed

2- Points of Articulation

Makharij al-Huroof
Articulation points for the Arabic Letters

  • Makhraj means the place of exit or origin.
  • Every letter in Arabic has a special Makhraj from which a letter is pronounced.

Various Articulation Points

1 - The Arabic Alphabet

  • Arabic Alphabets consists of 29 letter (28 if we consider letter Alif and Hamza as one)
  • Arabic is written from right to left.
  • Practice saying the alphabet with this game:
Letters which sound similar

To test yourself on the Arabic Alphabet and to practice your pronunciation play the three games here: Arabic Alphabet Games